[Csaladtortenet 2] You are impostors

_R-Istvan-Mögling(eu) R.Istvan.moegling at rakovszky.eu
2013. Feb. 18., H, 20:35:44 CET

To whom it concerns,
You state falsehood on your site:
The Hungarian nobility was inherited by all descendants of the person, to whom it was granted.
It was only by a few princely titles, where primogeniture applied, and of course for the "hitbizományokra"  (entailed estates)
Normally the donation was inherited by all male descendents, with the females also getting a share, the so called leánynegyed.

Who authorised you to grant anyone Hungarian coats-of arms? The last person who had a right for that was the last king of Hungary, the blessed Charles IV. Not even his son claimed any such rights.
Registering and recognising Hungarian nobility claims was reserved to the Hungarian Minister of interior. (This was enacted by my uncle when he was the Hungarian minister of Interior (1922-1926)

WHy do not have your site in Hungarian? Don't you speak, understand this language? Or you are afraid of too many people seeing the errors on your site and some may even sue you.
Perhaps that is why no names appear on the pages where you write about yourselves.

I have registered some time ago. I forgot it and tried to reregister. I got the Answer, that may name and email-address is taken already.
But when I tried to log in, it did not accept me.
I have a number of email-adresses, so this will go out from another one, not the one, I registered under. But the Domain is the same.

I expect a swift answer from you.

M.S.C.A.M. Rakovszky de Nagyrákó et Kelemenfalva,
Rakovszky István

If something is worth doing, it is worth doing it well.

Strive for excellence, not for perfection.
But be aware of the supporters of mediocrity. 
They will attack you because they are afraid of excellence in any form.

Ha valamit érdemes csinálni, érdemes azt jól csinálni.

- * -  A Rakovszky család honlapja / Web-site of the family Rakovszky / Website der Familie Rakovszky:    www.rakovszky.eu    - * -

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