[Csaladtortenet 2] FW: www.GenTeam.at - about 2.1 Million new records from Bavaria (Germany)
kratky jeno
kratky58 at hotmail.com
2014. Jan. 12., V, 15:23:35 CET
Sziasztok ! Aki érdekelt benne bővült a GenTeam. at .
Üdv.: Kratky Jenő
From: kontakt at genteam.at
To: kontakt at genteam.at
Subject: www.GenTeam.at - about 2.1 Million new records from Bavaria (Germany)
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 13:25:09 +0100
www.GenTeam.at - about 2.1 Million new records from Bavaria (Germany) Vienna, January 12, 2014 on my own account 4 years GenTeam, 22,200 registered usersmore than 10 million genealogical records online New at GenTeam:2,1 million index entries of registers from the Bishopric Passau (Germany) Dear colleagues! On my own account: With the current online databases, the actual 22,200 registered users have immediately more than 10,1 million entries at their disposal. Hereby I would like to express my sincere thanks to all, who in the last 4 years have provided valuable data, as well as all who have worked on long-term projects, but also those who invisibly commit towards the functioning and the development of GenTeam. Alone in 2013 more than 1,6 million individual queries were addressed to GenTeam, about 55% inquiries originated in Austria, 12% came from Germany and 10% from the U.S., Israel 10%. The focal points of access were the registries, the complete local directory for the Czech Republic, Austria along with South Tyrol and Slovenia, as well as the IKG databases and obituaries. All databases can be searched free of charge. GenTeam is not profit-oriented and not tied to a membership fee. GenTeam is an European platform through which historians and genealogists alike provide their independent or team-developed databases free of charge at the disposal of all researchers. Other conveniences are a bilingual mailing list, www.GenList.at with more than 1,400 members, as well as a collection of genealogical links found at www.GenLink.at. Mrs. Mireille Trauner manages the GenTeam page at www.facebook.com where all the latest updates can be found. New at GenTeam: Indices of Registries from the Bishopric Passau, approximately 2.1 million records This database does not yet contain all registers (indices) for all the parishes in the Roman Catholic Dioceses Passau, Germany. Current registers vary from parish to parish; the earliest registers begin in 1580 all the way up to the various designated times of personal data protection. At the help-bottom of this database you will find a complete listing of parishes, and time of online registers. At this time, marriage indices of all parishes are completed. Baptism indices are only partially finished, and available in the following areas --a broad area northward the Inn River, the area between the Inn and Danube, the city of Passau almost in its entirety, parts of the Bavarian Forest, and a tract upwards the Danube. Burials are still in the beginning stages of development and are only available in the Rottal, the area between Inn and Danube, almost completely in the city of Passau, as well as a tract upwards the Danube. In this database you will find the parish, volume, page number, surname, given name, profession (not always), address/locality (not always), date / year. You will find the original registries online at www.matricula-online.eu. Our gratitude goes to the Archive of the Dioceses Passau for graciously furnishing us their database. If you would like to work with GenTeam to create a new database, or if you would like to furnish an existing one, or you even just have a question, please contact me, I will be at your disposal. Sincerely yours, Felix Gundackerprofessional genealogistPantzergasse 30/8A-1190 WIENTel = 0043 676 40 11 059email: kontakt at GenTeam.at Profession : http://www.ihff.at/IHFFe.htm
Databases: www.GenTeam.eu Mailing-List: www.GenList.at Collections of Links: www.GenLink.at Private, courses und download: www.FelixGundacker.atFacebook: http://de-de.facebook.com/pages/GenTeam/121165227901751?ref=tsForum: http://www.nexusboard.net/shownew.php?siteid=17669 "Connecting genealogists" if you are not interested in getting a newsletter from GenTeam, please, send an email to kontakt at GenTeam.at with the content "delete my address"
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