[Csaladtortenet 2] Fwd: Family Research in Győr
koordinátor macse
macse.koordinator at gmail.com
2019. Júl. 29., H, 15:07:57 CEST
Kedves Családkutatók!
Carl-Erik, akiknek a napokban nyújtottatok segítséget a kutatásában, az
alábbi levélben köszöni meg nektek a segítséget és további kérése is lenne
felétek! Ha tudtok, válaszoljatok neki kérlek!
Köszönettel és üdvözlettel,
Rajeczky Zsuzsanna
egyesületi koordinátor
Magyar Családtörténet-kutató Egyesület
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Feladó: Linsler, Carl-Eric <c.linsler at campus.tu-berlin.de>
Date: 2019. júl. 29., H, 12:09
Subject: Family Research in Győr
To: koordinátor macse <macse.koordinator at gmail.com>
Dear all,
I would like to thank all of you once again for your help. It has certainly
been nice to receive so much solidarity and to be in touch with so many
friendly people.
Encouraged by your positive responses, I allow myself to approach you with
another question.
If have found information that another family member, Dr. Lipot (Leopold)
Leszlauer, died in Győr in 1942. At least he is buried in Győr, according
to the website Findagrave. I have also received unconfirmed information
that Lipot’s wife, Helene Leszlauer, born Spitzer, might have died in Győr
in 1930.
Would it be possible to verify this information with the help of the death
register of Győr? I have tried to find the civil registers from Győr on
Familysearch, but it seems they haven’t been digitized. Would anyone of you
have an idea how I could proceed? As far as I know, the registers are kept
in the City Archives of Győr. They have already sent me two scans from the
births register, but I’m afraid to overstrain their benevolence. Is anyone
of you perhaps based in the area and goes to the City Archives on a regular
basis, so that he or she might have a look for me occasionally? Or are
there any other possible approaches to find the death registers?
I would be delighted to hear from you again.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Carl-Eric Linsler, M.A.
Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät I – Geistes- und Bildungswissenschaften
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7 (TEL 9-1)
10587 Berlin
*Von:* koordinátor macse <macse.koordinator at gmail.com>
*Gesendet:* Samstag, 27. Juli 2019 20:12
*An:* Linsler, Carl-Eric <c.linsler at campus.tu-berlin.de>
*Betreff:* Re: Question concerning Family Research in Hungary
Dear Carl-Eric Linsler,
I received your request, and I put it two genealogy mail lists on. So you
may receive helping letters from Hungarian genealogiests. I hope they will
find solution for your problem.
Best regards,
Rajeczky Zsuzsanna
Association Coordinator
Hungarian Society for Family History Research
Linsler, Carl-Eric <c.linsler at campus.tu-berlin.de> ezt írta (időpont: 2019.
júl. 27., Szo, 17:00):
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have been advised by a member of a genealogical exchange group on
Facebook to contact you.
I am writing a PhD dissertation in history about a number of
Austro-Hungarian families during WWI, and I am kind of stuck.
I have found information that one of the family members, Izidor Neubauer,
died in November 1919 in Kecskemét. As I need proof that this information
is correct, I have been trying to get a scan of the relevant entry from the
death register from the Hungarian National Archives, District of
Bács-Kiskun, in Kecskemét. They told me that they have the file in the
National Death Register of 1919 of Kecskemét (MNL BKML XXXIII.1.a –
National Death Register of 1919 of Kecskemét, page 249, No. 1494), but they
can’t send me a scan, as this would be against Hungarian law. Apparently, I
can only access this register myself, or find a “Hungarian commissary” who
is a registered researcher at the Kecskemét archives.
As travelling to Hungary for this single scan clearly exceeds my budget, I
was hoping that there might perhaps be someone who could help me. Do you
happen to know any genealogists who go to the Kecskemét archives on a
regular basis and who might be able to make a scan or a transcript of the
death entry for me? Or maybe you have another idea of how it might be able
to get access to this record?
Any help would be highly appreciated! I cannot offer much, except for my
sincere gratitude and a mention in my book’s acknowledgements.
Many thanks in advance and best regards,
Carl-Eric Linsler
Carl-Eric Linsler, M.A.
Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät I – Geistes- und Bildungswissenschaften
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7 (TEL 9-1)
10587 Berlin
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